Thursday, November 15, 2007

Black Friday - chaos theory, but consumerism at its best!

As a broke grad student I am looking forward to buying stuff at Black Friday. My first experience with black friday was an 8 hour wait for a $350 laptop. I know, great deal, isnt it?

Black Friday Rule #1
Always brag about the deals you got.

Black Friday Rule #2
Ignore the ebay resellers who are looking for profit, you're doing this for survival.

Black Friday Rule #3
Nothing much has changed since last year. Its very likely you wont get those free flash drives.

Black Friday Rule #4
Go with a bunch of friends so you don't question the meaning of life while freezing in a long line.

Black Friday Rule #5
There are black friday sale days on saturday and sunday as well, dont worry.

Good luck fellow grad students, may you jam yourself at the door of best buy and be confused by the girl at the cash register who tells you its 20% discount on 30% on 10%, got that?

And always remember rule #1, let me know your loot for the year!


Monday, October 15, 2007

I think that a lot of things go unsaid when we choose not to write. We know we love each other and we’re getting married. Simple? No, writing about it makes me think about all those years when we waited for this, to be together. It seemed like eternity, we never had a date or a year, now we have a date and a year and soon a time and place and everything else.

Lets go get a movie now.

Point. Click. Shoot.

Friday, August 03, 2007

How far beyond the FINISH-ing line do you really need to run?
Blog Worthy -Karma Talk

So its not often that you "eavesdrop" on a conversation (I claim it was accidental) and think now THAT is something I want to blog about.
The chance-eavesdropping happened last evening in the mall, while I was getting out of work. Two middle aged women,thier phsyique bordering on obese, wearing jeans, tee shirts, and sneakers, and chatting - they looked typically american to say the least. Now, they were talking loudly about a man, likely to be a messy ex-husband- because they were badmouthing him and something he had done to another woman in the past.

To cut a long story short - this chatty lady then proceeds to declare "Its all Karma - one day he will realize that all the bad stuff he had done is probably not worthwhile" and she repeated saying Karma Karma - if not in this lifetime sometime later - Karma will catch up with him"
These many instances of the word "Karma" - almost (mis)pronounced as "Carr-ma" got me intrigued. Why would a woman half way across the world attribute bad behaviour to Karma? I haven't said the word Karma these many times in my whole life.
Karma is different from Destiny though.

Karma=consequences= next life ; Destiny=unchangable events=this life

Anyway food for thought -
Why would a white person be so interested in Karma? Are westerners increasingly using Karma as the mind's way of coping with injustice?

Monday, July 09, 2007

My happy birthday.

It was my "happy birthday" on the 3rd :)
23 is the number I am at right now.
7 years countdown to 30. Lets see how far I can go in those 7 years.

Cheers! **Clink**
I did it again today.

The panic stare. I gave a desi a panicked stare.

Somebody please tell me why we do this?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

David Attenborough and BBC made the most
unbelievable TV series on the world that we live in.

Its a spectacle of the earths natural history.
Its breathtaking evidence of the wild life we share this world with.

Every scene has been painstakingly taken.. you'll have no idea until you listen to the "planet earth diaries" in the end. They talk about how they managed footage of animals so rare and so unpredictable and ended up with almost unbelievable footage. Imagine filming a full month underground in a bat's cave, waist deep in bat poop.

Its a must watch series.

Your bittorrent search ends here.
Watch the easier youtube-ish versions, but as extremely obvious you tube and its screens do NO justice to the actual footage and the widescreen aspect you could've watched it in. But hmph here you go. Watch it here at joox and the clarity is just awesome. Episodes 1 through 9.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Baffled by behaviour

The inter-desi unsaid communication in the USA is uncomfortable to say the least. One half of it is what you think in your head. The other half is the vibes you get from the other desi.

The strength of the vibe shocks me. Its either a "certain fear of rejection" type of vibe or a "I am cooler than you" vibe or a plain "i hope our eyes dont meet" vibe and some quick fixes to look cooler and more casual.

In the chance event of you looking at somebody in the face - will most definitely face a "look away" or a very panicked stare.

Just be nice and smile next time around.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Everyone wants a bit of the limelight
When Rajini saar becomes the world's most popular, hundreds of bloggers take thier one-blog-post worth of fame. And I am going to do just that.

I watched Sivaji twice, so I am not rattling off experiences from thin air. I paid $16, almost a $6 premium for the tickets both times. I saw it at P & G Wheaton at Silverspring MD. When I first saw the insides of the theatre I was pissed that our Thalaivar movie was being shown in a screen even worse than santham. It was a small screen, no balcony, small theatre. But then I'd rather get to see it than not see it at all. A friend at Cincinnati gets to see it on June 28th, Now THAT is a shame.
The moment the guy lifted that measly velvetty lil rope keeping us, we ran, FAST. We quickly got our tickets torn up and "caught seat" for our friends. The excitement had begun. There were whistles, occassional "padam podungada".. "enna potti varaliya" screams... and then Sivaji appears in old style and then new style.. and we went madddd... then ofcourse our thalaivars ubiquitous S.U.P.E.R. S.T.A.R rajini in silver and blue with the ta ta ta na..ta ta na..

I am not about to reveal the movie, but enough is said when I say.
I did dapankuthu dance for ballelika. Screamed like crazy for Oru Koodai Sunlight. Sang Sahana Saaral. Sat spellbound through Athiradee.
I stood on the chair for motta boss. I screamed thalaiva for "six- ku aprom seven, Thalaivar-ku aprom yevane?"
I screamed "Summa Athirudulle" every time he said it.
I hooted when he did the one rupee coin swishes and the bubble gum.
He rocked the first night scene "Neetu raathiri yamma, tookam pochidi yamma" and the ULTIMATE income tax tea shop scene with the "punch dialogues"

I didnt eat popcorn and I succesfully embarrassed my friends around me. But I loved every minute inside that theatre. Thalaivar Vazhgha!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Life in a metro.
Cross the road to the station in a mad hurry at 5..4..3...2...1..Dodge the express paper man.. Run down the escalators, quick look at the train schedule, run to gates, touch SmarTrip, run to next escalator, run down left side of moving stairs, fling urself into the open doors of the coach, only to hear "ding ding - Step back doors closing"

Phew. Breathe.
I think I like the un-bolded version of my blog. I just might go back and change the other posts from bold to un-bold or I might not!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


The wmata sounds like something remotely indian like "mata" and we like to deliberately pronounce it wrong so it sounds like "doubleyou-maataa" Its the BIG metro of Washington DC. I was initially worried everytime I got into it thinking what if someone pulled out a gun right now and shot everyone in the coach? It is still a possibility, but I am less scared now. I have learnt to distract myself.

Most people would do anything to avoid looking at strangers. They read, listen to music (pretend as though they arent looking), do homework, talk on the phone, look at what other people are wearing (I am guilty of doing it too) and then look away. Its an efficient system. Helps me cut down on costs. and I finally have a SmarTrip card, its a regular magnetic strip card which gets you through the entry/exit gates much faster.
Sorry I am getting bored with myself now, and so will stop.
You are not your grande latte.

This must the most meaningful sentence in a long time. I have met many an American who thought Starbucks is overpriced. But I have met even more people who could not live without it. I am annoyed by how dependent people are on things other people make them believe - that they cant go through the day without their grande whatever.

There is definitely nothing special about the coffee. It tastes just like if you'd mix/blend all the same stuff at home. It brings me back to the days when we argued how 'Bru' and other filter coffee companies actually bid for the best coffee, and Nescafe was somewhere far behind. They took those not-so-great coffee beans, marketed them, and made more money than the filter coffee cos. Its definitely not the coffee. Its the customer that says "can i have a grande vanilla latte, splenda, with a little whipped cream, and low fat milk please" for whom this establishment survives. It is hard for me to believe that there are that many people who care SO much about their morning coffee. Its like theyre scared to spoil their own mood by drinking some other kind of coffee.

Yet unarguably it is a great loyalty and customer retention strategy. Starbucks is recommended a hold even during its bear trends. Its a volume traded stock and projects a good amount of growth into the future. Its currently at $27.46.

I cant deny the grande lattes are taking over my make-it-yourself cold coffee. I guess I am a bit late.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sivaji tickets are bought. I am all geared up. Wondering if I should paint my face or something.


Ennathu? Bachelor of Social Service. :)

Listen to the fever.
Superstar thalaivar Rajini..

Saturday, June 09, 2007

To-do list
1. Laundry
2. Post postcard
3. Drop rent check
4. Deposit pay checks. (I will get direct deposit okay!)
5. Cook and eat
6. Dream about trip to India
7. Accounting homework
8. Listen to Sivaji songs
9. Return clothes to the store I bought it from.
10. Clean house

Sometimes life is just fun isnt it? Grr. Mommyyyyyyy!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Monday Morning

Q: Hey good morning
Z: Morning
Q: How was your weekend
Z: Was great. How about yours?
Q: Perfect, except it was so hot!
Z: Yeah i know its around the 80's or 90's isnt it?
Q: I think so. So are you glad to be back ?
Z: Yeah of course, i feel very relaxed.
Q: Super.

Repeat that 10 times over to 10 people.
you are not your bank account,
you are not the clothes you wear
you are not the contents of your wallet
you are not your bowel cancer
you are not your grande latte
you are not the car you drive
you are not your fucking khakis...

...i say deliver me from swedish furniture
i say deliver me from clever art
i say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth...

This one is for you Manju, i found the sociological/
psychoanalytical analysis of the fight club here, and i
thought of how i always wanted to read what you
wrote on LOTR. :)
Good luck sweetie.

If you really believe you are great.
You just might be, even if you live in that illusion.

Example: TR
Making money out of nothing at all.

This is it. Think about it. Packaged Air.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Being shortchanged.

You begin to believe you are not as good as you think you are.

But you really are good.

But do others know it?

Will they pay you money for it?

You know you're good.

Are you sure?


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Blueberry Nights

The new Wong Kar Wai movie.

His first attempt in English.

Must Watch. Debut at Cannes.
What did I do today?

I watched all the E*Trade SuperBowl ads on youtube today.
I am buying hair products - you know why?
Because by American standards my hair looks unkempt (frizzy) even if i comb it, so I believe its normal to buy some thing that will make it not move out of place.

Well I am buying it. What does that tell you?
2:29am. A fully asleep house. I am reading about how cigarette packets in India now have skull and bones on the covers to make people aware of the hazards of smoking. *Sigh* Apparently the pictoral depiction of the fate of the smokers should put in their heads the idea that its bad for them.

In a way it reminds me of Malcom Gladwell's example of Seseme Street and the mind mapping and cool strategies they used to figure out which types of information, and the delivery mechanism that increased retention. Maybe by some freak logic of human behaviour maybe smokers maybe increasingly discouraged by the skull and bones than the regular statutory warning.

Given the marketing books I have been reading lately I cant seem to distinguish which strategy might work. It sometimes seems like the illogical ones might work, albeit opposite to the way you believed they might.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Test of Tamil as a Local Language

Allwa - To cheat
Aatha - Mother
Abase - Loot adiththal
Alppam - A silly/cheap dude
Anna - The elder brother
Anni - Anna's figure
Appeettu - Unsuccessful
Asaththal - Kalakkal
Bajari - A not-so-friendly figure
Bandha - Pillim
Bekku - Fool
Body - Muscular Machi
Chithee - Aunty Figure
Dapsa/Doop - Lie
Desi Gujili - An Indian figure in US
Dhil - Courage
Dhool - Super
Dham - To smoke
Daavu - Site seeing
Dickielona - A friendly game played in Delhi (courtesy Movie:
Damaram - Deaf
Dori - Squint-eyed Figure item -
Young/Attractive Lady/Women/Girl
Freeyaavidu - Forget it
Gaali - Appeettu
Gujili - Figure
Guru - Head of the gang
Gujaals - Having fun with Gujilis
Gaanapaattu - Rap song sung by Machis
Galeej - Dirty
Gilli, Goli - Traditional games played in Madras Goltti - A dude from
Andhra Jakku - An exclamation on seeing a not-so-Takkar figure (see Jil
Jollu - Bird watching
Jilpaans - Gujaals
Jute - Escape when caught up by girlfriend's father.
Jujubi - Easy
Jil - An exclamation on seeing a Takkar figure
Jalsa - Same as Gujaals
Kaattaan - Uncivilized/ Rude Machi
Kenai - Idiot
Kikku / Mabbu -Intoxicated/under influence
Kalakkalls - To cause a flutter
Kanai pakri- Friend of ushar pakri
Kindal - To make Fun
Kaka adikarathu - Putting soaps to someone
K M L - Kedacha Mattum Labam
Kutti - Figure
Kudumba figure - Homeloving Gujli
Kudumba paatu - A song with which machis identify themselves
Kulls - A short machi
Laddu - Allva
Loot adiththal -to steal
Maams - One cool dude
Maanga - Fool
Machi - Maams
Mandai - A sharp guy
Mary - feminine of Peter
Mavu - refer O B.
Nachunu - Bull's eye
Nambitten - I don't believe you
Naattu Kattai - A well-built village figure
Naattan - Villager
Naamam - To cheat
Naina - Father (courtesy Telugu)
Kadalai - Machi talking to a Gujili or vice versa
OB - To waste time
Ottal - To make fun of some one
Ondrai anna - Worthless
Pattaani - Machi talking to Machi or Gujli talking to Gujli
Peter Party - Machi trying to show off by talking in
hi-fi english
Pathni - A figure who goes around the block
Pakkri - A
shrewd dude
Petta - Area
Pisaaththu - Cheap
Pillim - Show-off
Peela - To lie
Rambo - A manly figure
Sister - Often used by Machis while Approching Figures for the first time
Songi - Lazy
Saanthu pottu -Possibility of getting beaten by a stick (courtesy
Movie:Thevar Magan)
Takkar figure - Semma figure
Thanni - Liquor
Thalaivar - Leader
Tin katrathu - Getting into trouble (courtesy Movie:
Ushar pakri - Smart pakri
Vennai - Fruit
Weightaana figure - A very attractive/rich figure
Wrong kaatrathu -Acting indifferently

Anything new neenga kathutingala? Ite ellam ponnunga koode work-out aaguma-ne think panringala?

Its ok maams ippothike freeya vidu..

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I absolutely completely do not fit in.
I don't even know why I try.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cheetos khao khush ho jao...
When I get REALLY involved with the internets' coming of age tools i feel like i am somehow becoming a virtual entity.

And then I quickly get out.

Then a few weeks later I realize there is so much happening and I am being left behind.

Seriously feel left behind.

Its either the virtual to reality swings thats consuming my time or I need to be a full-time Web 2.0 sponge rss aggregator.
Vice is Nice

I have heard of socially responsible investing and Shariah investing even, but what on earth is a vice fund? Its the exact opposite of being socially responsible and exactly what you think it is. Investing in tobacco, gambling, alcohol, arms, ammunition manufac. and even chocolate (?) companies and apparently they beat even the S&P 500's in their annual returns (29%), now thats some fund.
Charlie Norton the founder argues that the vice fund is "recession proof" simply because people drink, smoke, gamble, fight wars - when they're happy, sad, depressed and the one thing that sure sells during recessions is alcohol!

See more hear more feel more (vice?)
Warning: Jim Cramers over excited voice modulation

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hostile takeover bid?

Watcha board of directors gonna do about it?

M&A poison pills.
Its a phone, and MP3 player a nose hair trimmer and a creme brulee torch.
The only kind of cellphone you can no longer buy is the cell phone that is just a phone.

"True to the self, hilarious and thought provoking"

(enough to sound like a best seller one line quote? )

Dont do bakwaas, just
Social networking.

Boost ego.

Deflate ego.

Boost ego.

Deflate ego.

Yet they do it. Human behaviour needs to be studied.

"Six degrees of separation", needs a relook.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The awkward silence after the case well argued.

Then the applause.

My time, recently spent, has been well worthwhile on DCist. If you live in the washington DC area and love the arts..or just good writing, local titbits or the wanting to see/do/talk/walk/eat/sleep more art, theater and life :)
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidescope eyes

I discovered Cirque du Soleils LOVE with The Beatles and I think I am in LOVE.

Take a peek

See what Yoko Ono, Paul, Ringo and George Harrisons wife have to say about LOVE at vegas.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf and Everybodys Fool

Why is that we feel the need for death so bad at some points in our lives, like we’ve cheated ourselves to who we thought we were.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

When Amy Lee sings my immortal – its so hard to tell if the pain is yours or hers.